Aerating & Overseeding in Spring?

I recently published my Spring Lawn renovation video that included how to help your lawn look better by combining aeration and overseeding in just two quick steps that can be done in an afternoon. This is a great way to enhance your ugly lawn and make it look great even though it’s Spring. Fall is the best time for most lawn renovations but as you can see the Spring can also work very well.

Keep in mind with Spring you may have more weeds than usual so watch my video one weed control to take care of any weed issues in your lawn afterwards.

I received a lot of questions that Aeration is ONLY to be done in the Fall. This is not true. You can, and should aerate your lawn any time it’s actively growing with one exception, heat of summer. Aeration creates some stress on the lawn, minor compared to strong power dethatching so it can be done anytime but you want to avoid the hottest parts of the summer to ensure you have great results.

Some homeowners will actually aerate twice a year which is good on very hard soils or if you are working to really enhances the space but usually once is plenty.

I hope this gives some more guidance around aerating and overseeding your lawn in Spring.