How to stop your pump sprayer from breaking & make it last!

Feel like your lawn sprayer breaks every season?

Most lawn sprayer break each year because people store chemicals, or other solutions in them. You are NOT supposed to store anything in your sprayer for more than 24 hours. I am asked this question a lot on my videos. My recommendation & most manufacturers is that your sprayer is a tool to apply, not store products.

When done you should always rinse out your sprayer 3 times. This means fill it once, dump the water out, fill it again and dump it 2 more times. You should also run some of the water through the line and handle,.

Yes this is a bit of a pain and it takes a few minutes but doing this will ensure your sprayer will probably last for many many years. I have a special video on cleaning your sprayer which should be done at least once a year it’s easy and if you have bought a good sprayer like Sprayers plug or a Birchmier, you want to maintain your investment and keep it working when you need it.